Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Stepping Stone - Book Clubs

(What's outside my window: Snow flurries.)

The journey for the production of Surrender the Wind has been both eye-opening and exciting. I received an email from my editor, the lovely and talented Barbara Scott at Abingdon, that they are making a huge effort to find book discussion groups to promote the fiction line to. Thus, I've been given an assignment to write ten to twelve questions that they will post online as well as in the back of the book.

I started yesterday jotting down questions. They've got to be great, thought-provoking, questions that will spark discussion. These are so important to me, since they will be firstly published in my book and online, and secondly because the book club members will have taken the time to purchase and read my novel. I am duty bound to give them what they need in order to have a fantastic meeting.

There are a few local book clubs where I live, mostly connected with the library. In 2003, when I had a novel published through a pod press, (I was naive back then) I was invited to meet with three of them. They were great fun, and I look forward to the experience again, only this time with a novel in hand from a great publisher.

Do you belong to a book club? What kinds of questions do you feel generate the livest of conversations? If you are an author, have you met with book clubs, and do you have a discussion guide for your novel?

1 comment:

Jessica Nelson said...

No, I've never been a part of a book club.
This sounds fascinating. Good luck with your questions. :-)