Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Time is Short

(What's outside my window. A night sky that is covered with stacks of gray clouds threatening rain.)

The release of Surrender the Wind is one month away. Readers who have preordered will likely receive their copy in the mail by mid-July.

It's been a fantastic experience preparing for the launch of this novel, and I've been blogging about it's journey from contract to release so that prepublished writers can get some idea of what the process entails.

Book trailers are the 'thing' nowadays. I'm the type of gal who likes to think outside the box. I created a trailer a while back, but the other day I had the idea to make a trailer that is an endorsement video with quotes from writers who have read the ARC. It turned out pretty well.

You can view it on my Endorsement page on my website at

1 comment:

Glynis Peters said...

What a wonderful video, it certainly wetted my appetite for your book.