Friday, January 25, 2013

Days Before a Book Launch ~ What's it like for a writer?

Exciting. Nerve racking. Busy. 

Whenever I have a novel ready to come out, a few readers have asked me what it is like the days before the launch. Oh, there are the butterflies in the tummy, the nerves, the emotional rollercoaster, the hopes that readers will love the book. They've asked me if the book just appears on the online bookstores, on bookstore shelves, and word spreads of it's availability. Well, it's not quite that way.

A book is in production for months. There is the editing phases. Book cover design. Media and social contacts. Endorsements are sought from other authors. Influencers and book reviewers are sent copies.  These tasks are mostly on the shoulders of the publisher. But a writer has a lot to do in creating a buzz for her book. In today's world, online promotion is the greatest method of getting the word out. Here's a list.

Author's Website
Author's Blog
Yahoo Groups
Readers List
Newsletter     . . . and more

So, there is more to a writer's life than just writing a book. All this marketing takes time and effort, and the willingness to pull away from writing to work on promotion. It would be nice if all a writer had to do was write. But if you want to get the word out about your novel, it is essential you work at marketing. I'm sure you have noticed that's just what I am doing now with this blog post. Please love me for it.

Excitement for me is building in these final days before the launch of 'Beyond the Valley' book 3 in the Daughters of the Potomac series. I loved writing Sarah's story, and I am hoping and praying my readers will love it too. 
You can read a portion here:

Share some of the things you do to market your books that are not listed above.

How can you as a reader help an author promote their newest release?

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