I write inspirational fiction. Scripture is my way of laying a foundation for my story. Think about the book you are currently writing. Write down a few words that describe your story. Think of what verses in the Bible contain those words. I use a concordance, or Bible Gateway online.
Here's an example. The novel I am currently writing is book 1 in the 'Daughters of the Potomac Series' entitled Beyond the Scarlet Dawn. The story is about a woman's search for love, forgiveness, and healing. Through a series of events, Eliza becomes vulnerable and commits an act that will effect everyone in her life. You will find in the opening pages this scripture.
But with you there is forgiveness, therefore you are feared.
Psalm 130:4
In book 2, Beside Two Rivers, the foundational verse is Psalm 51:6
In book 3, Beyond the Valley, the verse that will guide me is Isaiah 49:10
Do you have a scripture in mind for your story? How does this scripture help you to focus on your story?